
Saturday, November 10, 2012

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks

Baby's size? Eggplant

Weight gain? Gained 3 pounds since my appointment at the beginning of September. Think I'm up 15 lbs total

Maternity clothes? Fatty. Total fatty

Stretch marks? I've gained and lost weight so much throughout my lifetime so I've had stretch marks since high school. Yay me

Belly Button in or out? Should stay an inny like last time. It's starting to take on that weird pregnancy belly button now

Sleeping? Still not great. Sleep is something I have trouble with this time around. Crazy, crazy dreams. Last time Oliver had me dream about Matt Bomer and Dos keeps making me dream that Josh is leaving me

Foods I'm loving? Soup. Oh holy Panera

Foods I'm hating? Nothing lately

Movement? Kicks, punches, rolls galore

Best moment this week? Having my little passenger around all the time. I chat with her and try to get her to respond. It's weird I know

Symptoms? Getting very large and uncomfortable

Gender? GIRL

What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach. Not being tired all the time. Being able to play with Oliver without straining

What I'm looking forward to? Start appointments every two weeks pretty soon

Milestones: Third Trimester!!!!

Emotions: Okay. It's tough having Josh gone. And this will be tmi but I've completely lost my sex drive and I feel horrible about that. Am I alone in this happening during pregnancy???? My face is broken out and I'm having an upset stomach again. I swear this baby hates me


  1. Yay!!! It's the third trimester!!!! It's getting sooo close. I love tit called her your little passenger.

  2. I sure did write tit. Nothing like a little tit to spice up your blog.
