
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Aunt JCC

The most amazing friend I've ever known celebrates her birthday today.  Today, she is the big 2-5.  Sometimes life has a weird way of working out in ways you never thought possible.  Think for a second about that friend that you go to for anything.  That's what Julia is to not only me but Oliver as well.  Hell, I know Josh loves her almost as much as I do.

So, Happy Birthday Julia, JCC, JuJu, Jules, Sister Wife, Wisteria Wife...however you would like to be called.  Just know I love you and would be lost without you in my life.

She helps me move.

She embraces her bad, humidity laden Charleston hair.

We Barbie camp, complete with an attempt at fishing.

We get up insanely early, fighting sand fleas and the cold to watch the sun rise at Tybee Island.
Sidebar:  She once hated the beach.  I'm taking full pleasure and credit for getting her to change her mind.

We go on dolphin tours.

She even loves my animals.
Sidebar:  She once hated animals.  Again, I'm taking total credit for changing her mind on this one.

We enjoy the mountains of Virginia, even when there's not too much to enjoy.  Suck it rednecks, suck it.

She loves Sonia Leigh almost as much as I do.
Sidebar:  Back off, I will cut you if you try and claim #1 fan status!!

She's been there through the big stuff.

And, most importantly, she loves my baby almost as much as I do. 

I thank God every day that I have her because having a baby is hard work, especially when Josh is working so hard to get his education.  I hope today is better than you could have ever imagined.  Please don't give up on yourself JCC.  If the beginning of this blog is any consolation, good things WILL come at the proper time.  Seriously, I have a BABY.  And having another one!!  Remember who I was when you met me before that long ass drive to Alabama. 

And not just to JCC but to anybody else reading, things do get better.  I never in a billion years thought I'd ever be married or have one kid, let alone be blessed to be pregnant with a second one.  I guess I'll end this mushy post by saying that for JCC's birthday, to all of those who feel like you aren't where you're supposed to be, give it time.  I promise things change.


  1. What a great ending to this beautiful post :) Aren't best friends the greatest? Happy Birthday to your friend!

  2. Best friends are the greatest!! I am so grateful to have Valerie as my best friend. Thank you. This is hands down the nicest thing ever.

  3. I would also like to note that this blog post is like a journey of hair changes.

    1. I probably should have labeled it as the many hairstyles of JCC.
