Baby's size? Grapefruit
Weight gain? Gained one pound since 16 weeks
Maternity clothes? I tried to put on some old jeans. Ha ha, big mistake
Stretch marks? I've gained and lost weight so much throughout my lifetime so I've had stretch marks since high school. Yay me.
Belly Button in or out? Should stay an inny like last time.
Sleeping? Crap, just crap. Grrrr. I have to pee all.the.time. Definitely wasn't like this with Oliver
Foods I'm loving? Reese's peanut butter cups
Foods I'm hating? Not too many aversions lately (thank goodness)
Movement? She's decided to use my bladder as a spring board. I'm feeling movement on the outside now too
Best moment this week? Meeting my new OB
Symptoms? I feel extremely pregnant this week for some reason
Gender? GIRL
What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach. Not being tired all the time. Being able to play with Oliver without straining
What I'm looking forward to? My next ultrasound on October 26th
Milestones: Josh got to feel her too
Emotions: I feel much better this week as opposed to last week
It's always so fun when other people start feeling the baby! It's confirmation that there really is somebody in there ('cause what if the ultrasounds are fake or something?).