Baby's size? Cantaloupe
Weight gain? Gained one pound since 16 weeks
Maternity clothes? Fatty. Total fatty
Stretch marks? I've gained and lost weight so much throughout my lifetime so I've had stretch marks since high school. Yay me.
Belly Button in or out? Should stay an inny like last time.
Sleeping? Up every two hours lately
Foods I'm loving? Pizza. Mmmm, pizza
Foods I'm hating? Nothing lately
Movement? Everybody has gotten to feel her now. I love watching that reaction
Best moment this week? She's really active now
Symptoms? Still feeling large and in charge
Gender? GIRL
What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach. Not being tired all the time. Being able to play with Oliver without straining
What I'm looking forward to? My next ultrasound on October 26th
Milestones: I can't believe I'm almost 6 months pregnant!
Emotions: I swear the emotions being pregnant are all over the place. Up and down
24 weeks!!!! Yes yes yes!!!!!!