
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Happy Tuesday everybody!  Hope your week is going wonderful.  I can't believe it's already almost Wednesday.  Please stop on over and say hello to Megan.  She just recently revealed that she is going to be a mommy around the same time that Dos is due!!

Sometimes I wish I was one of my pets because, seriously, they have the best lives.
Always I'm so thankful for the comic relief they provide on an hourly basis.

Sometimes  I get a little twinge of sad that Oliver looks so much like Josh. 
Always He sneaks and has moments of me.  Seriously, I had a blankie until about two years ago.  Judge if you must.

Sometimes I have really bad days, especially thinking about the daunting tasks that will be upon our family in the next few months.
Always I remember just how thankful and lucky I am.  I tell myself that on an hourly basis.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and do things over again, especially when it comes to school and my childhood.
Always I wouldn't want the little family I have now any different.  Take the good with the bad.

Sometimes I get frustrated and just really fricking don't want to deal with doing Oliver's routine at night.  I stay up too late watching the Olympics and I'm tired.
Always His chunky little face just cracks me up and makes me happy.

Sometimes I want to punch whoever posts online the results of the Olympics in the face.  Come on people, why would I want to know that Michael Phelps won or lost BEFORE the race is even shown??
Always I watch anyway.

Have a great rest of the evening y'all.  See ya again tomorrow!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Well shoot

I started a post to link with Sherry about what I'm lovin today and it got deleted while I was getting Oliver ready for bed. Frick.

I'll just tell you the two things that happened here recently. First I cut Oliver's hair on Saturday. It's not perfect but it'll do for now!!!

Second, my little guy managed to get his first mini shiner. He just bonked himself in the face with a plastic bath toy. Mom fail. I suck.

Well I'm sorry I didn't get to link with you Sherry. I've learned for next time to save, save and save again.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and your week is starting off perfect!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Two Years

Looking at our story, you’d think that Josh and I met and made a mistake by jumping into marriage and children right away.  Sure, it’s not for everyone but it seems to be working for us.  Hell, we’ve lasted 100 times longer than Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries did.  Hmph.

Can you believe it’s been two years since we sat down at that table at Liberty?  I remember seeing you ahead of our date and thinking hmmm this guy isn’t bad and maybe I will see what he’s all about. 
(Sidebar:  Josh and I met online, yep.  So, technically our first date was a blind date.  We had spoken for quite a few weeks beforehand and I just didn’t know if I was ready to date someone so much younger than me.  I’m 34 and he’s 28.  Seriously, in dog years that’s like 10 lifetimes.  I actually blew him off a few times because I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to go down this road again and take the chance of liking him only to have him treat me like crap.  I’m glad everyone convinced me to give him a chance!!).

From the moment we left the restaurant I hoped you’d text me or call me and you delivered less than an hour later.  To say our story is a whirlwind is putting it mildly.  I never in a billion years thought I’d meet you officially two years ago today, get engaged on February 12, 2011, find out we were pregnant on April 15, 2011, and get married on May 9, 2011.  But, I really am so thankful and blessed to have you as my partner and parent to Oliver and Dos.  

I love you honey beat.  Thanks for putting up with my crazy.  I have no idea what in the hell you saw in me but thank goodness you didn’t run away!  Here’s to so many more years to come.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

13 weeks

How far along? 13 Weeks

Baby's size? Peach

Weight Gain? Holding off on carbs so I don't think I've gained any thus far.  I HOPE

Maternity clothes? I broke out a maternity top last week but only because I love it.  Whatever, I'm fat and looked pregnant to begin with

Stretch marks? I've gained and lost weight so much throughout my lifetime so I've had stretch marks since high school.  Yay me.

Belly Button in or out? Should stay an inny like last time.

Sleeping? NOT GOOD.  I was sick all week and slept like it

Foods I am loving? Nothing.  I hate that I get no pregnancy cravings

Foods I'm hating? Pretty much everything

Movement? Feeling little flutters here and there.  Seriously, they tickle from the inside

Best moment this week? Feeling more and more flutters

Symptoms? Still extremely sick to my stomach

Gender? Still a little too early for that.  All the fun Chinese Gender Predictors say Boy but I'm really getting the feeling it's a girl.   Not sure why.  More and more leaning girl

What I miss? Diet Coke.  Mmmmm, Diet Doke

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender.  My OB does an anatomy scan at 24 weeks so Josh and I will most likely do an elective scan in the next few weeks.  I can't wait 11 more weeks!!!

Milestones: 2nd Trimester!!!

Emotions: I've been pretty good this week minus crying every night about my job

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Letters

Whoa, I never thought this day would come.  Seriously, weeks tend to fly by for me nowadays but not this one!  I think between the sickness in the house, Dos sickness, etc., life has just thrown me for a wallop.

I’m linking up with Ashley.  Head on over and check her out!

Dear Oliver:  You melted my heart saying mama.  I have been harassing you for MONTHS to say it so when you actually did I couldn’t believe my ears.  Thank you so much for capping off an otherwise dreadful week with something so wonderful and memorable.  

Makes me so happy he loves food

Dear South Carolina weather:  I hate you.  I seriously do.  You aren’t welcome here anymore.  Take this 100+ degree and go west (sorry Natalie).  I am over it being 84 degrees upstairs in my house. 
Dear Gertrude:  I just wanted to say you are the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned.  Thank you for being so maternal and wonderful when Oliver climbs all over you. 
Dear Barber:  I’m sad you weren't open so we didn't get to have Oliver's hair trimmed.  Seriously, he looks like a shaggy dog.  :(

It's so bad!!!

Dear Aunt JCC:  Thanks for taking Oliver today.  I know he just loves you and I can’t believe he’s starting to wave now!  It was the highlight of my week getting pictures and videos all day of my sweet boy and sister wife. 
Dear Joshy:  Thanks for letting me cry at night and be upset lately.  This too shall pass.  I love you more than when I met you…almost 2 years ago!!!
Dear Dos:  Unless I’m crazy, I’ve felt the beginnings of you moving around and saying hello.  Keep up the good work!  Can’t wait to finally put a real name to your nickname and start planning YOU. 

Well I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!  Anybody doing anything exciting?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

I'm linking up with Amber for their one year anniversary of It's Ok!!!  How exciting is that?!?!   Go stop by and say hello. 

Its Ok Thursdays


…that I had no idea Word 2010 could do blog posts for me until today (and I always thought I was very tech savvy!).
…that I’m still not feeling great but I’m forcing myself to get back to normal.
…that I’m really feeling like Dos is a girl even though all the tests and Chinese Gender Predictor charts are saying boy.
…that I find it rather funny that Kristen Stewart made such a public apology for cheating on Rob Pattinson, given how awkward and weird she seems in real life.  Ha, like I know her!
…that I’ve never looked more forward to a weekend as I have this week.  Between the lecture at work and being sick, I’m kind of over this week.
…that I’m pretty much “out” at work but I’m still terrified on telling my boss for some reason.
…that I can’t wait to open my door and see my boys in the living smiling at me that I’m finally home.
...that we both cried because Oliver said MAMA tonight!!!!!!!  True story.

So what are y’all okay with today?  We almost made it…just one more day until the weekend!!  Hope everyone has a great Thursday night.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Humpday Randoms

My 7 month old (also known as a petri dish) has managed to get both mommy and daddy sick. Oh today has been so much fun!!!! I hope everyone has had a good week so far. Just a few randoms....

I'm in a major funk lately. I'm so depressed about my professional life and my education that I don't even know how to breathe sometimes. This too shall pass. I know I'm a lucky wan and I've been spending every day telling myself that.

Baby boy is alllllllmost crawling. He gets so mad that he can't go where he wants. It's kind of funny to watch sometimes. And oh my goodness he has spotted my necklace that I wear almost every day. Ooooooh shiny. Give it! I need it! I have a feeling my boy is going to eventually be into everything.

We have been tossing around ideas about moving. Guess we will see if anything pans out with that.

I think I'm going to break down and have an elective ultrasound done at 15 weeks because seriously who wants to wait 12 more to find out what Dos is???? Not this chick.

Well I took some pregnancy safe cold drugs and will hopefully be snoring very very soon. Thanks for being so supportive y'all. I know I sound dreadful lately and I promise it won't last forever!!!! See y'all tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Thanks for sticking with me, y'all.  Sorry for my somewhat silence.  Still trying to figure everything out.  Quite frankly, I'm still a little blindsided that I'm being singled out but it's okay.  Everything happens for a reason, right?

Go say hello to Megan.  She's going to be a mommy around the same time that Dos comes!!  I'm so excited for her. 

Sometimes I hold grudges and spend far too much time obsessing about things I will never be able to change.
Always I remember that life does go on and I have supportive people around me who care and want the best for me.

Sometimes I have a horrible day and get frustrated with Oliver for whining.
Always I remember how blessed I really am and that these little moments too shall pass.

Sometimes I feel a little alone and worry how I'm ever going to handle everything on my plate.
Always I meet some amazing people along my journey (both in real life and through blogging) and I know I can count on them to make me feel better. 

Sometimes I just want to rush home and see my sweet boys.
Always It melts my heart when he acts like this.

Well I hope everyone has had a great Tuesday.  Thanks so very much for stopping by and saying hello!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Statehouse and campus photos

It is Monday and the time is 7:17 pm. I would like to give a warm welcome to the amazing person at work who took it upon them self to go ahead and tell hr that I have a blog. It's nice to know that you have such a pathetic life and nothing better to do than to tattle on someone who never makes waves with anyone. Oh yeah by the way I can probably figure out who you are. Blogger has this lovely feature where I can see where traffic comes from. So, yeah.

Anywho with that behind us now. I'm still feeling horrible and that just made the day that much more difficult. But I wanted to show y'all the amazing pictures Aunt JCC took of my sweet boy yesterday while Josh and I went to see a movie.

I hope everyone had a great day. To all my friends and not the person aforementioned I apologize for ranting. I assumed high school ended 16 years ago.

Now......the photos.


We are definitely still here and chugging right along.  I'm not feeling so hot today, or yesterday for that matter.  Think it's a combo of Dos sickness and Oliver was under the weather about a week ago so I guess he decided to give mommy that too.

Be back tomorrow (hopefully) feeling rejuvenated and better!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Letters

We made it, y'all!!  Woo hoo.  So glad it's Friday.  Seriously, that's what got me out of bed this morning.  For reals.

Seeing that it's Friday, I think y'all know the drill by now.  Ashley is doing the linking, we do the posting.

Dear Bloggie World:  Thank you for being so nice to me and for letting me meet such cool people over the past few months.  This is my 100th post!!!  I love that people have come by to say hello and have given me such good insight into things.  I am definitely extremely thankful.
Dear Mom:  Don't you think four missed FaceTime calls, 5 missed calls and 7 text messages might be a little on the excessive side?  I'm sorry that you feel like diaper rash is an urgent matter that you thought something was wrong with us but don't you think I would have called you if something bad had happened??  Sorry that I took some medicine and it made me pass out a little after 8 last night.  You need to tone down the INSANITY by at least fifty notches.  Seriously.
Dear Oliver:  You are almost can do it little guy!  I know you can be crawling before the weekend is over.  Mommy has faith in you.  
Dear Work:  It would be nice if you'd show appreciation for all the things some of us do around here.  This favoritism is completely ridiculous and I will never understand why I get yelled at for being on the phone with my mom while my stepdad had another seizure and was in the hospital but the bitch next to me has been on the phone at least an hour every. single. day. for the past month.  What gives??
Dear Dos:  It was so nice to see you on Wednesday.  We had our first official appointment with the doctor and he wasn't able to find your heartbeat on the Doppler (mommy wasn't worried but it really did look like daddy was about to throw up) so they rolled the ultrasound machine from 1492 into the room and there you were, ninja kicking me and backflipping away.  Doctor says kicks and backflips can't happen unless there's a heartbeat attached to those so we're taking it!  We are all set to welcome you into this world by csection on Monday, January 28, 2013 (well, unless you have other ideas, of course).  AND, mommy lost 10 pounds already.  What, what!!  
Dear People of Aurora, Colorado:  I would be remiss not to mention how saddened I am for the people in Colorado today, worrying about their loved ones and what happened at the movie theater last night.  Such an innocent event was turned into something much, much worse.  I feel for anyone dealing with this.  I hope no one else loses their life because of this senseless act and the disturbed gunman can get the serious help that he desperately needs.  Really, you have to be completely insane to do something like that, right??

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Try to stay cool, calm and love one another. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

We are almost there guys!!  Phew, this has definitely been a trying week that's for sure.  One more day and my boss leaves for two weeks.  I can do this!

Since it's Thursday, you get the drill.  Head on over and say hello to Amber.  I really do love these linkies!

Its Ok Thursdays

IT'S OK...

that I am going to have to take some time away from my mom for a while.  Seriously, the woman is making me crazy.
that I wish the news would stop talking about Katie and Tom.  People get divorced every single day!!!!!

that I got aggravated and had to put Oliver in his crib this morning.  A whiney baby is not a happy mama.

that I wish one of Oliver's new teachers spoke better English.  I really can't understand a word she says.

that I plan out a cruise for us for next year sans babies even though we have no money at all to put a deposit down.

that I had a Diet Pepsi at lunch on Tuesday.  Yep, I did.  

that I apparently can't take meds for my all day sickness because I'm a zombie even 15+ hours later.

that I wish December would just hurry up and get here.  

that I may have to either fake an illness or pay for an ultrasound myself because I CANNOT wait until the end of October to find out what Dos is!!!!

that I wish I lived at the beach.

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday.  I'll update about my first real appointment with Dos tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blogger 411

I always love seeing other bloggers do a little recap of themselves so I figured I'd contribute a little.  Always fun to get to know people a little better, right?

I'm linking up with Becky for this.  Y'all know the drill!!

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I've been blogging off and on for about 3 years.  Originally this blog started as a pity party for a woman who was miserable in her life and completely alone.  Oh this blog has changed 100%.  I'm glad I have a few of those old posts to look back on and see how far I've come.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I did!  I went to the University of South Carolina (GO GAMECOCKS!!!) and got a BA in English and a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science.

3. Where have you traveled?
I have traveled up and down the East Coast, as well as California, Arizona and Nevada.  I've always been to New Orleans.  Outside of the U.S., I have been on two cruises, one to the Cayman Islands and one to the Bahamas.  

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I'd pay off all my debts first and foremost.  Seriously, I have $100,000 in student loans.  Insanity.  
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves? 
1.  People who do not speak proper English.  I can't stand hearing "I seen" something or something is "broke."  Ahhhhhhhh
2.  Rudeness.  I'm talking about the blatant, unsolicited kind.  Now, if you cross me and act like a jerk, I'll return the favor in a heartbeat.  
3.  Lying.  That's the fastest way to get me to hate you.

6. What is your favorite movie?
Chicago.  I LOVE musicals.

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Diet Coke.  Most definitely.
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Getting a pedicure.
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Oh this is a really tough one!  Let's see, probably Belk.  I know that sounds lame but I could buy everyone something there, not just myself.  I'd say something like Neiman Marcus or Nordstrom but let's be real here people, who much could you really buy with $10,000.00 at one of those stores??  I'm too frugal.  Sure I'd love a $1,000 pair of Loubs but is that realistic?  NO!!!
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
 I'd say that was a few years ago.  Josh and I were buying a truck to pull the camper we just purchased.  Julia and I were in the office filling out paperwork with the finance guy (who I know through a friend).  She and I have a really bad habit of talking about people and being judgy.  Well, we couldn't do it to the guy's face so we were texting back and forth, talking about what a tool he was, how he wasn't wearing a wedding ring and that he must be cheating on his wife.  He was SHAMELESSLY flirting with Julia the entire time so of course she and I had to discuss.  I'm guessing he caught on to our texting and grabbed my phone and read the whole thing.  I had to complete the paperwork facing the wall because I was so embarrassed.  I still laugh and blush when I think about that day.

11. What day would you love to relive again?
The day Josh and I met.  I feel like it passed by in a blur and I've taken that day for granted.
12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
Brooke Elliott from Drop Dead Diva.  She's just beautiful.  And has an amazing voice.
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
I wasn't allowed to work during the school year so I babysat.  A lot.  I worked for a local minor league baseball team during the summer as well.  I've been at a law firm since I was 21.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Australia.  Most definitely.  There are sharks there!!!

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you. 

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
 Hopefully we will be moved somewhere new, Dos will be here and I'll be doing something I love. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Liebster Award

Can you believe I'm writing about a blog award I've been nominated for??  This is the most incredible and amazing thing ever.  Seriously, remember how I said Sherry was the sweetest person ever?  I was totally not kidding at all.  She nominated ME!!  Me?!?!?!  I could not be honored and thrilled about this.

This award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Liebster is German and means sweetest, kind, lovely, endearing and welcome.

How it works:

  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer questions that the tagger sets for you and then create 11 questions for the bloggers that you tag.
  • Choose up to 11 bloggers and link them to your post
  • Go to their page & tell them 
  • No tag backs :)
  • And lastly, have fun!!
11 Things about me:
I hate sweets.  I can have a piece of cake and be satisfied for months.
I am an only child, although I have a sister who would be 24 this year who is in Heaven.  My mom went into labor when she was 22 weeks and my sister didn't make it.  
I have horrible self esteem.  It's completely dreadful.  My husband can tell me 100 times how pretty I am and I never hear any of it.
I treat my animals as if they are my children.  I have a biological child and my love for him is pretty much the same as my love for my dogs Dewey and Gertrude.  I hope that doesn't sound bad!
I cannot stand children who are rude or who are extremely spoiled.  Nothing melts my heart more than hearing yes ma'am, etc. coming out of a child's mouth.
I want to swim with sharks.  Any of them.  All of them.  I don't care!
I wish I had gone to medical school to help women who can't have babies on their own.  
I am obsessed with music, although I can't play an instrument to save my life.  

I love to cook but don't do much of that right now because the sight and smell of food makes me sick to my stomach.

I have a terrible temper, which I have been working on for years now.  
I am so envious of people who have a strong faith, whatever that faith may be.  I've struggled with that my entire life...well, ever since I was 10 and my sister died.  Haven't gotten it back since.

Questions for me:
1.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? This may be close to impossible.  I would love to go ANYWHERE in the world.  But, if I had to say an absolute top pick, it'd be Australia so I could dive the Great Barrier Reef.

2.  Who is your best friend in the world and how did you meet him/her?  I feel bad if I don't say Josh because he's an awesome guy.  But, my absolute best friend in the world is Julia.  Ha ha, we literally met in the parking lot of my apartment about 25 seconds before she got in my car and rode to Birmingham, Alabama to watch the Gamecocks play in a bowl game almost 3 years ago.  Our mutual friend Brittany was there as well so technically she introduced us.

3.  Did you have a childhood hero, and if so, who was it?  Y'all are going to think I'm insane but Valerie Taylor.  She is a shark expert, photographer and all around cool lady.  She used to jump in the water with them back when people were just testing out chainmail suits and didn't even flinch.  I always thought she was a total badass.
4.  What is your favorite beverage (alcoholic or not)?  DIET COKE!!!!!

5.  If you could have a vacation home in a destination of your choice, where would it be?  North Litchfield, South Carolina or Tybee Island, Georgia.  I just love those places.

6.  What is your dream job?  Look at that!!  I didn't even know this question was on here.  I'd love to be a Reproductive Endocrinologist so I could help families have the children they deserve.

7.  What is your greatest goal in life?  To raise respectful, responsible children who are good people.

8.  What is your idea of the perfect date?  Dinner with 2 hands!  Seriously, it doesn't take much to make me happy.

9.  If you could buy anything (just one thing though), what would it be?  Good question!  Hmmm, this is so tricky.  I think a nice little cottage near the beach so we could go on little respites whenever we had a chance.  
10.  Would you rather be able to sing or dance if you could only do one really well?  Definitely sing.  I really do love music and wish I could sing.
11.  What color do you wear to make yourself feel better?  Purple.  Hey, it's the color of royalty right?

And now, my questions...

1.  What is your biggest fear?
2.  What is your favorite word?
3.  Are you a morning person or night person?
4.  If you could do things over again, would you?  Any aspect of your life.
5.  What did you want to be when you grew up?
6.  Nature or nurture?
7.  What is your favorite movie?
8.  If you could change one thing about yourself, would you?  What would it be?
9.  What has blogging done for you?
10.  What would you like to do when you retire?
11.  Describe yourself in just one word.

I tried to think of questions that were both lighthearted and serious as well.  I know I'm all over the place but I really do like to get to know people on many different levels!

The nominees are...

Lauren@ Aunt Lala Lauren is one of the sweetest, most inspirational women I have had the pleasure of getting to know.
CourtneyAnna@Finally Forever CourtneyAnna has hands down one of the cutest little boys I've ever seen in my life.  Their strength while handling Sully's heart surgeries is inspiring!
Court@Our Pathway to Parenthood Court is so vivacious and positive, even in the midst of her fertility treatments and setbacks that come with that.  I have learned so much from her and really do enjoy keeping up with where she is and how she's feeling.
Anne@Reflections, Receipts and Rants I have known Anne for seriously almost my entire life.  We met in middle school and graduated together.  Sad that it took the internet for us to reconnect and become such good friends after all this time!  And so many miles between us.
Annabelle@The Carolina Country Girl  Annabelle is a total badass from South Carolina (girl after my own heart) so I just had to include her.  She's got lots of loyal readers and may have already received such an award but I wanted y'all to at least go meet her!!
Shannon@This Crazy Beautiful Life   I just "met" Shannon a month or so ago and I really love her blog.  We have boys relatively close in age and I can relate to a lot of what she writes about. 

Okay, I hope I didn't forget anyone.  A lot of the blogs I read are like SUPER BLOGS and have 1,000+ followers so this would not apply to them.  Besides, the ladies I mentioned above are just so wonderful and I want y'all to get to know them better.

BTW, Natalie, I would have included you but Sherry beat me to it!!  You know I love you too.

Again, I am so honored to be chosen by Sherry for this and it gives me a little opportunity to learn more about y'all as well.  So, thanks again and I can't wait to read about y'all too. 

Sometimes and Always

Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday and your week is starting off on the right foot.  I went Facebook official about Dos last night....yikes!!!

Anyway, I'm linking up with Megan.  Head on over and say hello!

Sometimes Gertrude shows moments where she's actually a smart dog.
Always She runs into a wall or chases her tail and that thought flies out the window.

She has learned that standing on this step makes her tall enough to look out the window

Sometimes I think I will be good and cook at home.
Always (at least lately) I feel too horrible to do anything but get in bed and have food brought to me.

Sometimes Oliver is not feeling it and downright refuses to take any pictures.
Always We can at least get one halfway decent one, even if he does look unimpressed.

His name is written there but his little belly is covering it :)

Sometimes I get a little upset that not a single person in my family said congrats or anything when we announced that we were expecting again.  On either side.
Always I am overwhelmed by the love shown to us and the congrats we received on Facebook.  Screw my loser families.

Sometimes I get mad at Josh because he takes 3 naps during the day and still falls asleep before 9.  Seriously, I wanted to punch him in the throat (damn hormones).  Okay, I can't blame all of that on hormones.
Always That just gives me an excuse to watch the Real Housewives in peace.

So what's the story with y'all?  I'm ready to read some other confessions!!!  

Everyone have a fantastic Tuesday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

7 Months

My Dearest Oliver,

How are you already 7 months old??  I feel in some ways that the time has flown by and in others that we are just creeping along.  You are hands down the happiest baby I have ever met in my life.  It takes almost nothing to get you to smile and laugh and I LOVE that about you.  You grin from ear to ear and show everyone your two bottom teeth.  You definitely have your moments but, for the most part, you are so easy going and just love everyone. 

I love that you study everyone and are very focused and serious when you're trying to accomplish a task.  We gave you puffs and cheese doodle things on Saturday and you were more interested in smashing them than actually getting them in your mouth. 

1 day old

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old


Diapers: Size 4
Weight:  22.6 pounds
Height:  28 inches
Favorite foods:  Everything.  Seriously, we can put anything in front of you and you'll eat it.  I think you really like bananas, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and carrots the best.  But, you love pickles, lemons and pancakes too.
Milestones:  You can sit up like a champ now and can roll over too.  Hopefully you'll be crawling very soon!
Sleep:  You sleep anywhere from 6:00-7:00 to 6:30 a.m.  You love your sleep!  Mommy and Daddy thank you for that.

Oliver, you are an absolute joy to be around and I am so incredibly thankful to be your mommy.  I cannot wait to watch you grow and become a perfect Southern gentleman.  Mommy loves you, a bushel and a peck.

What I'm Lovin' Monday

Hi everybody!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!  Head on over to sweet Sherry's blog and say hello to her.  Seriously, she's awesome.  Go now!!!

The Sweet Life of the Reeses

Loving the weekends and a chance to spend time watching how much Oliver has changed and grown over the past 7 months.  I LOVE his daycare and they take such good care of him.  But, it is difficult sometimes not getting to watch what happens with him each day and how he's gone from a blob to a little boy.  

Loving our sweet Gertrude and how she has taken to Oliver lately.  Awwwwwww.

Loving my boys.  I mean, really?  Could there be anything cuter than this??

Loving this crib.  I just have a feeling Dos is a girl.  Sigh, if only I were stupid and rich and could afford an $800 crib.

Well, those are just a few things I'm loving today.  Hope everyone has a fantastic and lovely Monday!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

11 weeks

Whaaaat???  I actually did a post on Sunday?  Yay me.  Seriously, I'm so bad about using the computer over the weekend.  That's going to be something I'm going to work on, I think.  Yes, yes I will.

Anyway, now to talk about Dos.

How far along? 11 Weeks

Baby's size? Fig

Weight Gain? I was told on Thursday that I can only gain 10 pounds this pregnancy.  Talk about slapping me in the face with reality

Maternity clothes? Still wearing my dresses although I'm not sure if it's just because I'm fat or have  little pooch but the top is definitely tighter and the dresses are getting shorter in the front

Stretch marks? I've gained and lost weight so much throughout my lifetime so I've had stretch marks since high school.  Yay me.

Belly Button in or out? Should stay an inny like last time.

Sleeping? Been pretty good this week

Foods I am loving? Chicken salad and fruit

Foods I'm hating? I still hate the thought water and milk.  Don't worry, I've been taking calcium supplements just like with Oliver

Movement? Still feeling little flutters here and there.  Seriously, they tickle from the inside

Best moment this week? Okay this is kind of not baby related but being told our payments each month are going to be DRASTICALLY reduced from last pregnancy

Symptoms? Still extremely sick to my stomach

Gender? Still a little too early for that.  All the fun Chinese Gender Predictors say Boy but I'm really getting the feeling it's a girl.   Not sure why. 

What I miss? Diet Coke.  Mmmmm, Diet Doke

What I'm looking forward to? My appointment on Wednesday.  We at least get to hear the heartbeat!

Milestones: None yet.

Emotions: I've been pretty good this week

Okay so I know I mentioned yesterday that Josh and I are planners, right?  We were discussing if this baby was it last night.  Yeah, I'm not even showing yet and we're already wondering if we are done having kids.  Insane, people.  Insane!!

Well happy Sunday everyone.  I do hope you have had a wonderful weekend with your families.  Let's do this!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Name Game

So I'm not being sponsored by anyone but I've seen quite a few posts lately about how parents choose their kids' names and I wanted to join in.  I'm not sure if it's me but I LOVE names and how people come to them.  So, I'll start...

I honestly have no idea what I was reading but someone's name was Oliver and I looked over at Josh and said "What do you think about Oliver?"  That was it.  He and I are HUGE planners and we had Oliver's first name picked out by the time I was maybe 7 weeks pregnant?  I got major anxiety thinking about our baby not having a name and worrying what if something happened to him and he was nameless?  Originally we wanted to name him Jordan (my maiden name) but it just didn't fit right.  He's definitely a little Oliver.  I have an English degree and love really old, literary names.  Aunt JCC bought Oliver a copy of Oliver Twist really early on and I just love it. 

The middle names.  Oh, the debate regarding his middle name.  Okay, Josh's middle name is Nick.  Just Nick.  Not Nicholas.  Nick.  I have a minor peeve about people having shortened names as their real names (i.e., Bob, Mark, Nick, Beth, etc.)  That might be okay for some couples but I hate it.  Well, I knew from the get go that Oliver's middle name would have to be Nick because that's Josh's, his dad's and his grandfather's first name.  We started doing a little family history and, lo and behold, the day Josh and I officially started dating is my GPA's birthday.  Couple that with the fact that we got married on the anniversary of the day my GPA died and I begged and pleaded with Josh to let us add Hugo as a second middle name.  Yay for having an easy going husband.

So, there's the story of our Oliver Hugo Nick Branham.

Yes we do have Dos's name picked out already.  Seriously, I'm insane people.  Once we know what we're having, I'll share it.  I'm not sure if anyone cares about that stuff or not but I promise I will, if you're interested.  Yep, Dos will have two middle names.  Honestly, I didn't want Oliver to feel stupid or Dos to feel left out so we decided on two. 

Come on, somebody else share your name stories.  I would do a link up but I'm not sure how much y'all would enjoy knowing this stuff.  I could be the only one out there.  I absolutely love knowing where people's names come from!!!  My name is the patron saint of my grandmother's birthday.  Yep, another little nugget to share with y'all.  I'm such a giver!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday's Letters

Woot woot, it's Friday!!  And we all get to read each others' letters.  Go say hi to Ashley and link up with her.  Really, it's fun!!  I can honestly say Fridays are my favorite bloggy day.


Dear Josh, I love you honey.  Really and truly you are the nicest, most caring and wonderful person I have ever met in my life.  I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to snag you.

Dear Oliver, mama loves you to the moon and back.  But, seriously, if you keep making that "mmmm" "mmmm" "mmmm" noise when you're aggravated, I may have to start smacking you.  It's.  Driving.  Me.  Insane.  Is this a phase??  Will you ever grow out of this??

You're still cute though.  Mama loves you.

Dear Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, why didn't I switch to Josh's insurance sooner?  Seriously, I only have to pay $74 per visit at the OB this time around???  Last time it was $256.  I almost passed out when they told me this.  I love you insurance, sincerely.  

Dear government jobs, you suck.  I hate you.  And your stupid hiring preferences.  I'm officially done ever trying to make a difference by working for my country.  Jerks.
(Sidebar:  I got my 200th rejection email yesterday so my anger and hatred is coming from a justified place).

Dear Dos, please keep baking away.  We'll get to listen to you on Wednesday!!  I'm slightly disappointed that we won't get to find out what you are until the end of October but that's okay.  Good things come to those who wait.

Dear Aunt JCC, I love you.  I am so glad you're in my life. 

Dear Dewey, please get your crap together and act like this with Oliver because he's supposed to be your little buddy.  You're a really good dog, act like it.

Well I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and a great weekend if we don't get to chat before Monday!!